You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
C.S. Lewis

Chicago and Memphis
We headed home via Chicago and Memphis as we wind down our Summer Airstream Adventure. One of my dearest and ...

Sturgis South Dakota
We carefully planned our visit to Sturgis, South Dakota, to avoid the 84th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally from August 2nd to ...

Medora is magical
Medora is magical, but we had no idea until we spent a fun week there. We went to North Dakota ...

Big Sky Montana
This was my first visit to Big Sky Montana, and Billings was a fun stop. Our summer has been a ...

Happiest Retirees
Several months ago, I was contacted by Ryan Doolittle, the host of the Happiest Retirees podcast. The staff had found ...

Yellowstone was our favorite National Park on this trip. It is not just the geysers, the hot springs, the calderas, ...

Fun Visit with Friends in Astoria/Warrenton, Oregon
This next stop was another fun visit with friends in Astoria/Warrenton, Oregon. Patrice, Peggy, and I were roommates in TWA ...

Southern Oregon Coast
As we left California, we were greeted by the beautiful Southern Oregon Coast. We have been trying to put this ...

Up the California Coast
We left San Diego and headed north up the California Coast. We stayed on scenic Highway 1 as much as ...

We could live in San Diego
We always find things to like wherever we travel, but we could live in San Diego. The weather is perfect, ...

Cathedral City, California, in July
Bill and I had a great time in Cathedral City, California, in July, but oh, my, it was HOT, HOT, ...

Big Bear Lake
I can't think of a better place to celebrate July 4th than Big Bear Lake. Bill planned ahead and made ...

Sedona, Arizona
Several years ago, Bill and I visited Sedona, Arizona. We were in Phoenix for a real estate conference and drove ...

Moab is Marvelous
I'll say it again - Moab is Marvelous, and the highlight of our Summer Airstream Adventure so far! We spent ...

Santa Fe is sublime
Santa Fe is sublime. Several friends lived here at one point and always spoke of it longingly. This was my ...

Carlbad, New Mexico
Our next stop was Carlsbad, New Mexico. The drive from San Antonio to Carlsbad was beautiful. My ears popped as ...

Cross-Country Airstream Adventure 2024
We have begun our Cross-Country Airstream Adventure for 2024. Finally, we will be visiting many of the National Parks all ...

My favorite art classes
I have just taken two of my favorite art classes from Ardith Goodwin, back-to-back. As you may recall, I took ...

Wearable Art by KSB
Introducing ARTwear by KSB I have learned so much from other artists about ways to create everyday products and wearable ...

Aging isn’t for Sissies
I know most of my readers will agree - Aging isn't for Sissies! Every time I realize I am in ...